Gioielleria Missiaglia was
founded by Angelo Missiaglia in 1846 and has remained the
property of the same family to the present day. It is not
only the oldest jewellery shop in Venice but also one of
the oldest in Italy.
Nearly one and a half centuries of tradition and
experience are reflected in the articles of high quality
and impeccable taste available to the clients.
All items of jewellery and silverware have been designed
and created exclusively for Missiaglia by generation of
Venetian craftsmen, renowned for their skill throughout
the world.
Missiaglia can claim a wide variety of clients, ranging
from members of well-known Venetian families to
personalities of the international jet set, attracted to
Venice by its charm and its many cultural events.

Gioielliere a Venezia
dal 1846
125, Piazza San Marco
Telefono (041) 5224464
Telefax (041) 5231779